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​​The “Water Volunteer Youth in the Field Project” initiated by Ferda SALIK, a teacher at the Girls’ Anatolian Imam Hatip High School in the Kayapınar district of Diyarbakır, and her students, in order to spread water efficiency awareness against the risk of drought and water scarcity that awaits our country, where the effects of climate change are intensely felt and which is currently under “water stress” according to international indicators, sheds light on our future.

The project, which was initiated as a modest local initiative by volunteer students, is gradually reaching wider audiences and drawing attention to the strategic importance of water. With events spread to 3 countries and 14 different cities, efforts to raise awareness among young people on the efficient use of water continue.


Within the scope of the project, students visit different schools with the educational presentations they have prepared and carry out awareness-raising activities for their peers on the efficient use of water, the effects of drought and climate change.

The project, which includes schools in Denizli, Afyonkarahisar, Konya, Kayseri, Zonguldak, Samsun, İzmir, Bitlis, Van, Ankara, Gaziantep, Adana, Şanlıurfa and Manisa, has already reached 2,500 young people.

With the support of the Almaty Education Attaché, the project has gone beyond national borders as teachers and students in Kazakhstan and Turkistan have also started to take part in the project. In addition, schools in Greece and Lithuania have been reached through e-twinning.

Lice Anatolian High School, which is included in the project, has carried out a different study while providing peer education. Within the scope of the project, Water Volunteer Youth carried the Water Efficiency Mobilization to volleyball and football fields with their jerseys bearing the logo “Zero Water Loss, Water Efficiency” in order to increase awareness of the efficient use of water and zero waste, and to create social awareness against water waste.

Aiming to set an example for both their age group and society in terms of water saving and water efficiency, students are raising awareness in schools nationwide with the “Water Volunteer Youth in the Field” project, aiming to create a strong awareness in society against water waste.

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